• Fiecare club poate inscrie in concurs la aceeasi categorie  cu acelasi concurent un singur moment de dans ; adica fiecare concurent are dreptul la o singura intrare in concurs pe categorie; 
  • Fiecare moment de dans trebuie introdus pe platforma video youtube avand bifat optiunea NELISTAT – aceasta optiune da dreptul de vizionare a videoclipului doar persoanelor care au adresa respectivului videoclip , adica videoclipul nu devine public. 
  • Se admite o marja de eroare de maxim 15 secunde la fiecare numar de dans in afara minutajului impus de regulament 
  • ACS ROK ART  nu raspunde de calitatea , integritatea si partea tehnica a videoclipului ,  fiecare club este direct raspunzator de modul in care introduce pe youtube momentele coregrafice. 
  • ACS ROK ART nu colecteaza si nu retine adresele videoclipurilor , dupa incheierea concursului urmand ca baza de date sa fie stearsa 
  • ACS ROK ART va prezenta membrilor juriului structurat pe categorii de dans si varsta momentele coregraice 
  • ACS ROK ART va prezenta live pe pagina de youtube si facebook , jurizarea celor mai bune 8 momente din fiecare categorie. 


IN CALIFICARI (minim 9 numere de dans in categorie ) :  

  •  Fiecare arbitru va selecta cele mai bune 8 momente coregrafice din fiecare categorie prin metoda skating “cross” – “ X “ , adica fiecare arbitru va puncta cu un X acele momente pe care le considera potrivite pentru finala. 
  • Sesiunile de calificari vor fi transmite prin inregitrare pe pagina de facebook si youtube, adica sesiunile de calificari nu sunt transmite live impreuna cu jurizare. 
  • Jurizarea si desfasurarea momentelor coregrafice in calificari for fi inregistrate , de asemenea rezultatele calificarilor for fi inregistrate si transmite pe canalele media 

IN FINALE(maxim 8 numere de dans in categorie :  

  • Fiecare arbitru va puncta numerele de dans dupa urmatoarele criterii : 
  • Tehnica  
  • Coregrafie 
  • Imagine  
  • Fiecare arbitru va puncta criteriile mai sus mentionate cu note de la 1 la 10. 
  • Departajarea concurentilor se va face in urma calculului notelor cu ajutorul unui system de jurizare profesionist 
  • Jurizarea si prezentarea momentelor artistice calificate in finale se vor transmite live pe youtube si facebook in data de 30.12.2020 incepand cu ora 20:00  


  • In calificari toate trupele , toti dansatorii primesc diploma de participare transmisa online si prin posta romana 
  • In finalele fiecarei categorii , fiecare numar de dans calificar in finala va primi un trofeu de dimensiune medie si o diploma pe numar de dans 
  • La urmatoarele categorii fiecare numar de dans va primi tofeul Dance Gala 2020 :  
  • Cel mai bun dans solo 
  • Cel mai bun duo 
  • Cel mai bun grup 
  • Cea mai buna formatie 
  • Cele mai bune dansuri inscrise in concurs vor fi decise in functie de scorul pe care il optin.  
  • Chiar daca un numar de dans in categorie specifica a obtinut locul 1 , nu inseamna ca automat obtine marele trofeu Dance Gala 2020, el intra automat in cursa pentru cel mai bun dans , lucru ce va fi departajat si decis de scorul obtinut 


  • Calificarile vor fi inregistrare si transmite pe platformele media  
  • Finalele si Gala Dance 2020 vor fi structurate astfel :  
  • Etapa 1 : vor fi prezentate in ordinea unui program prestabilit  fiecare numar de dans strucutrat pe grupe de varsta si categorii de dans  
  • Etapa 2 : vor fi premiate in ordinea unui program prestabilit  fiecare numar de dans strucutrat pe grupe de varsta si categorii de dans  
  • Etapa 3 : vor fi anuntate cele mai bune dansuri si trofeele Dance Gala 2020  in functie de punctajul obtinut raportat la conditiile mentionate in articolul “ PREMII SI CLARIFICARI “ 


*Avand in vedere ca ACS ROK ART este membru in federatia mondiala de dans WADF , grupele de varsta, disciplinele si intreg regulamentul ethnic este raportat la regulile organizatiei WADF , regulament ce este redactat in limba engleza , il gasiti mai jos :  

 Age groups  

Ø Mini Kids  5 – 7 years     Ø Juveniles 8- 11 years Ø Junior 12-15 years Ø Youth I 16-18 years  


Solo ; Duo ; Small Grup – 4-8 dansatori ; Large Group 9-16 dansatori ; Showcase 16 – 30 dansatori  

Time Limits :  

Solos, Duos,  1,30 – 2 min Ø Small & Large teams 2.30 – 3 min Ø Showcases 3.30 – 4 min 


Artistic Acrobatic Dance Show Competitions 

Competition Styles 

The performance must be a sequence of Gymnastic Acrobatic Tricks blended/linked together with 

any style of dancing or type of music with no restriction in tempi. It could be Classical / Modern / 

Contemporary / Jazz or Street Dance figures. 

Artistic Acrobatic Dance Show competition format 

Each team performs on their own music. 

Judges will mark teams into the next round by using two sets of marks, one for Technical Merit, 

the other for Artistic Merit. 

Normally around 50% of the teams should be marked in each criterion. 

Lifts and Acrobatics 

Lifts, acrobatics and building pyramids are allowed and encouraged. 

Any acrobatic trick or pyramid that is performed with good balance and full control will be 



Hand Props and Stage Props are allowed if they can be brought on to the stage, or dance floor, in 

less than 20 seconds It must be possible to fold all scenic props and backgrounds so that they 

can be easily pass through a normal size door frame. 

How to perform the Artistic Acrobatic Dance Show disciplines 

a. Artistic Acrobatic Dance Show is a choreographed performance. 

b. The character of the performance could be in any style. It is important to use gymnastic 

acrobatic elements like flexibility, skips, jumps, splits, bridges, leaps, summersaults or 

other gymnastic elements. Gymnastic elements must be in harmony with the 

choreography. It is very important to connect idea, music, choreography and costume. 

Presentation and image is also important. An important part of the performance, especially 

for Small and Large teams is building pyramids. Variety and the grade of difficulty will be 

evaluated. It is important with skilful dancers in the team but the team is judge as a team 

and not by individuals. 

Classical Ballet Competitions 

Characteristics and Movement 

This discipline must be performed using the Classical Ballet Technique and style and may be 

performed in soft ballet shoes or Pointe shoes. Although choreography may be of a modern 

nature, it may not deviate from what is commonly known as Classical Ballet. 

Contemporary and/or Modern Jazz moves and styles may not be performed in this discipline. 

Ballet Dance Competition format 

a. Music is of the dancers own choice 

b. All teams dance one by one to their own music 

How to perform Classic Ballet Competitions 

a. Classic Ballet is a choreographed performance. 

b. It is not allowed to change clothes or remove items from the costume during 


c. Acrobatics are not allowed. 

d. Lifts are allowed but must remain in the Classical Ballet tradition. 

Mini Kids, Juveniles I & II are not allowed to perform lifts, of any kind, in 

any WADF discipline. 

e. Props are allowed if they can be brought on to the stage or dance floor in less than 

20 seconds. 

f. It must be possible to fold all scenic props and backgrounds so that they can be 

easily pass through a normal size door frame. 

Contemporary Ballet Competitions 

Characteristics and Movement 

All forms of Ballet are allowed. Classical, Modern and other Jazz dance styles. 

Contemporary Ballet Competition format 

a. Music is of the dancers’ own choice. 

b. All teams dance one by one on their own to their own music. 

How to perform Contemporary Ballet 

a. Contemporary Ballet is a choreographed performance. 

b. It is allowed to change clothes or remove items from the costume. 

c. Acrobatics and lifts are allowed they will only enhance the dancers’ score if the 

acrobatic movements are well integrated into the performance with style and finesse. 

Mini Kids, Juveniles I & II are not allowed to perform lifts, of any kind, in any 

WADF discipline. 

d. Props are allowed if they can be brought on to the stage or dance floor in less than 20 

seconds. It must be possible to fold all scenic props and backgrounds so that they can 

easily pass through a normal size door frame. 


HIP – HOP  is a broad category that includes a variety of urban styles. The older dance 

styles that were created in the 1970s include up-rock, breaking, and the funk styles. At the same 

time breaking was developing in New York, other styles were being created in California. Several 

street dance styles created in California in the 1970s such as roboting, bopping, hitting, locking, 

bustin’, popping, electric boogaloo, strutting, sac-ing, and dime-stopping. It is historically 

inaccurate to say that the funk styles were always considered hip-hop. “Hip-Hop Dance” became 

an umbrella term encompassing all of these styles.) 

Characteristics and Movement: 

Different new dance styles, such as Quick Popping Crew, Asian style, African style, Hype Dance, 

New-Jack-Swing, Popping & Locking, Jamming, etc., adding creative elements such as stops, 

jokes, flashes, swift movements, etc. Some Electric and Break movements can be performed but 

should not dominate. Floor figures are very popular but should not dominate the performance. 


Any free Street Dance style like Hip Hop, Break Dance, Electric, Robot, New style, New School, 

Crumping, Clowning, Locking, Popping, Boogaloo and Whacking must dominate the performance. 

Urban Pop, House, Techno and Disco Dance Floor and Dance Hall are dances that could be a part 

of the Urban Street Dance Fusion Show. 

Categories: For all categories See General Rules 

Time Limits: See General Rules 

Urban Street Dance Fusion Show competition format 

Each team will dance, one by one, using their own music. The music will start as soon as the 

team has taken its position on the floor. No choreographic performance before or after the 

limited time of music is allowed. 

How to perform Urban Street Dance Fusion Show 

a. Urban Street Dance Fusion Show is a choreographed performance. 

b. The character of the performance must be in line with the style of Urban Street Dance. 

c. It is allowed to change clothes or remove parts of the costume. 

d. Acrobatics and Lifts are allowed. 

e. Props are allowed if they can be brought on to the stage or dance floor in less than 20 

seconds. It must be possible to fold all scenic props and backgrounds so that they can be 

easily brought in through a normal size door 


OPEN  dance can be performed. It could be dances taken from 

the Stage dance or the Street dance or any of the 6 departments. It 

is not allowed to participate in a competition in any of the above 

special styles using the same or similar choreography and/or music 

and/or clothing (or similar costumes) and also participate in the “OPEN  styles”. 

Start a fundraiser for yourself

You can start a fundraiser and can help the poor who are affected.In today’s world due to deforestation wild animals are going to vanish for good. Elephants are one of them.

In today’s world due to deforestation wild animals are going to vanish for good. Elephants are one of them. They are also going to vanish from the world. so we want to save those animals who are going to vanish. Not only elephants, we also want to save other animals such as monkeys, tigers, deer and bears to maintain the ecology of the environment. So please donate to us to save the world and wild animals

In today’s world we know that many people do not get their food daily. It is very difficult for us in today’s world that people do not get their food. So we opened a project called “No people will die without eating”

Promoting the right of poor children:

Around the world many children are neglected due to their poverty. They can eat food properly, and can not go to school. So parents  send those children to work for a small amount of money. As a result they are not getting their right. It is shameful for us. So to make sure the rights of poor children who are neglected we are working on this event. Called promoting the rights of poor children.

 We are raising our fund to help these poor children around the globe. Your small donation can help us to raise our fund and can make sure of their education, treatment and other things. So please donate to help the poor.

Start a fundraiser for yourself

You can start a fundraiser and can help the poor who are affected.In today’s world due to deforestation wild animals are going to vanish for good. Elephants are one of them.

In today’s world due to deforestation wild animals are going to vanish for good. Elephants are one of them. They are also going to vanish from the world. so we want to save those animals who are going to vanish. Not only elephants, we also want to save other animals such as monkeys, tigers, deer and bears to maintain the ecology of the environment. So please donate to us to save the world and wild animals

In today’s world we know that many people do not get their food daily. It is very difficult for us in today’s world that people do not get their food. So we opened a project called “No people will die without eating”

Promoting the right of poor children:

Around the world many children are neglected due to their poverty. They can eat food properly, and can not go to school. So parents  send those children to work for a small amount of money. As a result they are not getting their right. It is shameful for us. So to make sure the rights of poor children who are neglected we are working on this event. Called promoting the rights of poor children.

 We are raising our fund to help these poor children around the globe. Your small donation can help us to raise our fund and can make sure of their education, treatment and other things. So please donate to help the poor.

Directly support individuals

You can help an individual person directly that you want to help.

To make sure education for poor children we are raising our funds. At present we are seeing millions of children being neglected around the world. They do not get proper education, food, treatment and many other advantages due to poverty. We are raising our fund to help these poor children around the globe. Your small donation can help us to raise our fund and can make sure of their education, treatment and other things. So please donate to help the poor.

We have launched this project to ensure the rights of poor children.

Around the world many children are neglected due to their poverty. They can eat food properly, and can not go to school. So parents  send those children to work for a small amount of money. As a result they are not getting their right. It is shameful for us. So to make sure the rights of poor children who are neglected we are working on this event. Called promoting the rights of poor children.

Raise fund for healthy food

In today’s world we know that many people do not get their food daily. It is very difficult for us in today’s world that people do not get their food. So we opened a project called “No people will die without eating”

  1.  Food essential for good health and nutrition.
  2. It protects you against many chronic noncommunicable diseases.
  3. Healthy food give us better mood and energy levels
  4. Improved memory and brain health

Directly support individuals

You can help an individual person directly that you want to help.

To make sure education for poor children we are raising our funds. At present we are seeing millions of children being neglected around the world. They do not get proper education, food, treatment and many other advantages due to poverty. We are raising our fund to help these poor children around the globe. Your small donation can help us to raise our fund and can make sure of their education, treatment and other things. So please donate to help the poor.

We have launched this project to ensure the rights of poor children.

Around the world many children are neglected due to their poverty. They can eat food properly, and can not go to school. So parents  send those children to work for a small amount of money. As a result they are not getting their right. It is shameful for us. So to make sure the rights of poor children who are neglected we are working on this event. Called promoting the rights of poor children.

Raise fund for healthy food

In today’s world we know that many people do not get their food daily. It is very difficult for us in today’s world that people do not get their food. So we opened a project called “No people will die without eating”

  1.  Food essential for good health and nutrition.
  2. It protects you against many chronic noncommunicable diseases.
  3. Healthy food give us better mood and energy levels
  4. Improved memory and brain health

Why is it important to support

Cupidatat non proident sunt culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim idest laborum sed ux perspiciatis unde omnis iste natuserror sit voluptatem accusantium. dolore laudantium totam rem aperiam eaque.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur pisicelit sed do eiusmod tempor incidie labore magna aliqua enim ad minim veniam quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Repreh enderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur.

Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim est laborum. Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore.

Startups Are Still

Mollit anim id est laborum perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo enim ipsam volupe.

Aspernatur aut odit aut fugit, sed quia consequuntur magni dolores eos qui ratione voluptatem sequi sed nesciunt. neque porro quisquam est qui dolorem ipsum quia dolor sit amet consectetur adipisci velit quia non numquam eius modi tempora incidunt ut labore.