Caravana culturala vine acasa !

StartONG #ImplicareaFaceDiferenta #KauflandRomania #ActforTomorrow


Regulament :

Premii :

Din partea domnului Richard Dalton :

  • Online pivate  session for free to the 1st & 2nd Place of the Ballet or Contemporary Category for the ages of 13+. It will be an hour and fifteen minute session and will be a ballet class + neo-classical or contemporary choreography.
  •  ‘Richard d’Alton Master Class Experience’   for the dancer of choice which will include 2 days of Free Master when we will organize it in Timisoara.

Premii Oferite de ROK ART :

  • Locul 1 : Participare gratuita timp de un an la toate concursurile organizate de rok art in anul 2020/ aprilie 2021
  • Locurile 2- 4 : 50% Discount timp de un an la toate concursurile organizate de rok art in anul 2020/ aprilie 2021
  • Premiul de populariate  intre 600 si 1000 de likeuri pe facebook pentru coregrafia inscrisa in concurs cu #rokart si #rokartonlinedancecup  : premiu surpriza
  • ….vom continua si cu alte premii


  • Fiecare participant poate incarca in aceeasi categorie  maxim doua filmulete cu doua coregrafii diferite.
  • Fiecare filmare se posteaza pe canalele de socializare ( Youtube  , Facebook , Instagram ) urmand ca adresa respectivei filmari sa fie trecuta in formularul de inscriere a competitiei.
  • Un filmulet o data incarcat nu se poate sterge de catre participant (acest lucru fiind posibil doar prin notificarea organizatorului la adresa de email :
  • Nu raspundem de calitatea filmarilor inscrise in concurs , o filmare de proasta calitate sau cu un sunet slab poate fi depunctat.
  • Un filmulet este valid si este confirmat de organizator in momentul in care se face plata online.
  • Fiecare coregrafie nu trebuie sa depaseasca 1 minut.

A1.2 Formularul de inscriere se completeaza cu urmatoarele date  :

  • Personal INFO : Nume/Prenume ,email , data nasterii , localitatea si tara de provenienta , numarul de telefon ,  adresa de facebook(optional).
  • Video Details : Titlul dansului , o scurta descriere(optional ) , se ataseaza link-ul( adresa ) videoclipului.

A2.1 Modalitatea de departajare

  • Fiecare dintre membrii juriului va acorda un punctaj pe doua criterii ( tehnic si artistic ) de la 1 la 10.
  • Rezultatele vor fi introduse in mod automat intr-un program de jurizare specific concursurilor de dans ,dupa care fiecare videoclip va fi clasificat in ordinea notelor.
  • Criteriile specifice fiecarui stil de dans pentru care organizam acest concurs  se regasesc pe pagina noastra web.

A2.2 Modalitatea de anuntare a calificatilor in finala si a castigatorilor :

  • Incepand cu data de 05.05.2020 ( 5 mai 2020) pe pagina de facebook si pe site-ul rok art , timp de 3 zile vor fi anuntati dansurile calificate in finala.
  • Finala acestui concurs va fi transmisa live pe youtube , acolo ve-ti putea urmari evaluarile arbitrilor pentru fiecare coregrafie calificata in finala implicit castigatorii competitiei

A3.1. Data limita de inscriere si taxe :

  • Ultima zi in care se pot inscrie coregrafii in concurs este data de 03.05.2020 ( 3 mai 2020) ora 24:00
  • Taxa de inscriere este 50 de ron/copil indiferent de numarul videoclipurilor incarcate
  • Dupa inscrierea dansurilor in concurs reprezentantul legal (parinte) sau participantul  unde este cazul, va trimite pe adresa de email urmatoarele date confidentiale ce vor fi prelucrate in conformitate cu legislatia in vigoare ( Nume/prenume , cnp , adresa ,nr de telefon si numele copilului inscris in concurs)



2. va fi anuntat in curand

3. va fi anuntat in curand


Balet Clasic

Dans Contemporan


Acrobatic Dance Show

Artistic Dance Show



Dear all, dancers, friends , because of Corona Virus situation, ROK ART Asociations need to cancel or to postpone the events what we planed till start of june. When the situation it will be clear , and we will know exactly what we can and need to do we will come back with important news. Till that we wish you a lot of health !

Start a fundraiser for yourself

You can start a fundraiser and can help the poor who are affected.In today’s world due to deforestation wild animals are going to vanish for good. Elephants are one of them.

In today’s world due to deforestation wild animals are going to vanish for good. Elephants are one of them. They are also going to vanish from the world. so we want to save those animals who are going to vanish. Not only elephants, we also want to save other animals such as monkeys, tigers, deer and bears to maintain the ecology of the environment. So please donate to us to save the world and wild animals

In today’s world we know that many people do not get their food daily. It is very difficult for us in today’s world that people do not get their food. So we opened a project called “No people will die without eating”

Promoting the right of poor children:

Around the world many children are neglected due to their poverty. They can eat food properly, and can not go to school. So parents  send those children to work for a small amount of money. As a result they are not getting their right. It is shameful for us. So to make sure the rights of poor children who are neglected we are working on this event. Called promoting the rights of poor children.

 We are raising our fund to help these poor children around the globe. Your small donation can help us to raise our fund and can make sure of their education, treatment and other things. So please donate to help the poor.

Start a fundraiser for yourself

You can start a fundraiser and can help the poor who are affected.In today’s world due to deforestation wild animals are going to vanish for good. Elephants are one of them.

In today’s world due to deforestation wild animals are going to vanish for good. Elephants are one of them. They are also going to vanish from the world. so we want to save those animals who are going to vanish. Not only elephants, we also want to save other animals such as monkeys, tigers, deer and bears to maintain the ecology of the environment. So please donate to us to save the world and wild animals

In today’s world we know that many people do not get their food daily. It is very difficult for us in today’s world that people do not get their food. So we opened a project called “No people will die without eating”

Promoting the right of poor children:

Around the world many children are neglected due to their poverty. They can eat food properly, and can not go to school. So parents  send those children to work for a small amount of money. As a result they are not getting their right. It is shameful for us. So to make sure the rights of poor children who are neglected we are working on this event. Called promoting the rights of poor children.

 We are raising our fund to help these poor children around the globe. Your small donation can help us to raise our fund and can make sure of their education, treatment and other things. So please donate to help the poor.

Directly support individuals

You can help an individual person directly that you want to help.

To make sure education for poor children we are raising our funds. At present we are seeing millions of children being neglected around the world. They do not get proper education, food, treatment and many other advantages due to poverty. We are raising our fund to help these poor children around the globe. Your small donation can help us to raise our fund and can make sure of their education, treatment and other things. So please donate to help the poor.

We have launched this project to ensure the rights of poor children.

Around the world many children are neglected due to their poverty. They can eat food properly, and can not go to school. So parentsĀ  send those children to work for a small amount of money. As a result they are not getting their right. It is shameful for us. So to make sure the rights of poor children who are neglected we are working on this event. Called promoting the rights of poor children.

Raise fund for healthy food

In today’s world we know that many people do not get their food daily. It is very difficult for us in today’s world that people do not get their food. So we opened a project called “No people will die without eating”

  1.  Food essential for good health and nutrition.
  2. It protects you against many chronic noncommunicable diseases.
  3. Healthy food give us better mood and energy levels
  4. Improved memory and brain health